Talon Air Service
Flightseeing · Bear Viewing · Fly-In Fishing · Hunting
Trip Rates
The waters surrounding Bristol Bay in Alaska are famed as some of the most productive and beautiful fishing spots in the world. Rainbow trout are native here, and routinely reach trophy size; additionally, the run of sockeye and silver salmon each summer is one of nature's most surreal phenomenons. In high alpine lakes live the largest member of the trout family, the lake trout; alongside these speckled giants live orange-bellied arctic char and sharp-finned grayling. With fly-in fishing trips from Talon Air Service, you can target all these fish species and more. We are proud to offer a myriad of fly-in fishing trips to a variety of different Alaskan waters. Our guided trips go to creeks, rivers, and lakes fishing for everything from sea-run sockeye salmon to titanic trout. We also offer transportation for non-guide trips if you want to explore the Alaskan wilderness at your own pace. Look through the table below for details and pricing on all the fly-in fishing trips we are proud to offer.
Wolverine Creek
Red Salmon (Sockeye)
$650 per Person¹
June 10 - July 31
Crescent Lake
West Cook Inlet
Lake Trout & Dolly Varden
$750 per Person¹
(4 Person Min)
June 20 - Sept 30
Wolverine Creek
Silver Salmon (Coho)
$650 per Person¹
July 15 - Aug 31
Crescent Lake
West Cook Inlet
Red Salmon (Sockeye)
$750 per Person¹
(4 Person Min)
July 10 - August 10th
Kustatan River
Silver Salmon (Coho)
$650 per Person
July 15 - Sept 1
Crescent Lake
West Cook Inlet
Silver Salmon (Coho)
$750 per Person¹
(4 Person Min)
Sept 1st - Sept 30
¹Save $25 Per Person by paying with Check or Cash
²Any Taxes and / or Fees are NOT included in any of the prices listed. Prices do not include Gratuity.
³All trips listed above are guided. The guide fee is included in the listed price.
Special Packages
Prince William Sounds
Red Salmon (Sockeye)
$1100 per Person
(4 Person Min)
July 1 - July 14
Approx 6 hours
Prince William Sounds
Silver Salmon (Coho)
$1100 per Person
(4 Person Min)
Aug 15 - Sept 30
Approx 6 Hours
All Day Fly-Out
Multiple Species
$1100 per Person
(4 Person Min)
June and September
¹Any Taxes and / or Fees are NOT included in any of the prices listed. Prices do not include Gratuity.